
a simple web app for asynchronously transferring single files

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Table of Contents


This is a little something I produced in response to my employer's frequent problems with email attachments sent across different corporate infrastructures. My solution was simple: replace attachments with download links. Direct file transfers just work far more reliably than email attachments.

Later on I went over it to make it a little cleaner and to add digest authentication. Why digest authentication? Because I felt like it – I doubt its utility here, but now it's there to use. Originally, this was not intended as a real multi-user application, but since digest authentication requires a user name, I also added the "multiuser" authentication scheme.

Well, that's about it as far as the past goes. The future is pretty much the present – I currently have no intention of extending this beyond what's here now.

What it is

This application aims to be as simple as possible while offering these features:

What it is not

Generally, this is not anything beyond what I specified above. Specifically, you should look elsewhere if you want some of this:

For any and all of these there are solutions available that do offer them, probably some of them for free.


I don't really know. I developed this with PHP 5.3 on an Apache web server 2.2 with mod_rewrite. It will probably work with older software, but I don't know how old. Frankly, I'm too lazy to check. Also, I don't really care because Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3 have been around long enough for adoption.

Apart from that, I'm pretty sure it would be rather easy to make this run on Apache 1.3 and PHP 4 – I'm not using any really fancy stuff here. The .htaccess file would certainly need no changes at all.

I am not making any promises – if it doesn't work for you, have a look at your logs and fix what they tell you to fix. Mostly, it'll be about activating server modules and correcting file permissions.


As everything else here, this should be simple (for details on unclear points, see the "advanced" section):

Well, that's it already, now you'll want to configure your brand new web app – see the "configuration" section for that.


Woohoo! "Advanced" section :) Actually, it's not that advanced, it's more about me telling you some additional details.


You need command-line access to your web server for this. That usually comes in the form of an ssh login. If you don't know what that is, ask your host or go with plan B (download and unpack). When you're logged into the command line, execute this: git clone SOURCE DESTINATION where SOURCE is and DESTINATION is the directory where you want the application to reside. If unsure, ask your host about this.

Download and unpack

Use your favorite download tool (your web browser will do) to download either or, then unpack it using your favorite archiving tool. If unsure, use the second download URI. Depending on your archiver you might end up with a directory containing the relevant files and directories or with one containing a single directory which contains the relevant files. Put the directory containing the relevant files on your web server.


Generally, you should put this where you put all your applications and then setup a new domain (a third-level domain will do nicely) pointing to it. I made sure you can use this in a directory within a domain, but I do think that every application should have its own domain. That should not be a problem. If your host/domain provider doesn't let you setup new subdomains at will, you should switch to another one!


You should give ownership of the directories files, logs, and metadata to your web server's user, or at least its user group. That way everything will run smoothly and be pretty much as secure as it's gonna get in this regard. Then again, you will probably get away with just doing chmod 0777 files logs metadata since, in case of a security breach those directories will probably be among the least of your concerns...


There are several ways to customize this bugger without messing with its internals:

Note that you need not change any setting – this should run out of the box, as long as your server meets all the requirements. But you should make a decision as to which mode of authentication to use and set that up. If you stick with "simple" you should change the passes for that. Otherwise see the section about the users directory and replace the samples with real users.

Configuration File

The file by the name of CONFIGURATION contains the configuration for the application's behaviour. The settings have this format: "key": "value"

Don't change anything other than the values!

The configuration file is annotated, but this here might help in understanding it fully and, more importantly, how it affects the application and you.

It starts off with some basic data:

Next are the authentication settings. So you don't miss them, they're conveniently announced and indented. They are these:

Finally there's the "upload result" collection. This works in concert with the markup files in the snippets directory. Therefore these settings are only relevant if you intend to change the HTML code. Every setting in this collection relates to a possible outcome of uploading a file. The keys are self-explanatory and annotated in the configuration file, so I won't go into more detail here. The only important thing to know here is: the value is used for the file name of the snippet that makes up the message part of the result page.

Users Directory

If the authentication mode is set to "multiuser" or "digest", the "users"directory comes into play. It contains plain-text files. These represent valid users. The directory at first contains two sample users that illustrate the whole thing. One is called user, the other one digest.

The file name is used as the user name, so if you want to setup a user "John Doe", you create a file "John Doe". Each file contains two key/value pairs. For multiuser authentication, one key is pass, the other one is list. For digest authentication the two keys are hash and list. To see how the files are formatted, look at the sample files – too simple to explain.

The list key can have a value of 0 or 1. If it is 1, the user may access the list view; if it is 0, he cannot.

The pass key takes the user's pass code. The sample user user has the pass password.

The hash key takes the user's pass digest hash. This hash is generated by applying the MD5 algorithm to the string that results from concatenating the the user name, the realm and the pass code, with colons in between: username:realm:passcode

To get that hash, you can do this in most shell environments:
echo -n 'username:realm:pass' | openssl md5

The sample user "digest" has the pass "hash", so its hash is calculated like this (as long as the realm setting wasn't changed):
echo -n 'digest:simple-transfer:hash' | openssl md5

Snippets Directory

The directory snippets contains the HTML part of the application. Non-localized snippets are immediately within, localized ones are in sub directories named after their respective locales. Snippets are used by their file names. If the snippet to be used is found in the directory corresponding to the current locale, that one is used. Otherwise, the non-localized file is used. Should that fail, the English-localized file (directory en) is used. In case that also fails, an error message is thrown and the execution is aborted.

Note that the final pages are expected to be valid XHTML. Also, for MSIE it is delivered as text/html, so mind compatibility.

Public Directory

This contains all static files, i.e. images and style sheets. Changing this is completely straightforward.

Htaccess File

As this application is developed for the Apache web server it makes use of the .htaccess file.

The .htaccess file is part of the server configuration, local to the path where it resides. So you can break this app by editing that file – as long as you stick with the comments, however, you should be fine.

Known Issues